Coffee with Writer Friends. Spring break y’all. That’s all I have to say. My husband and mother-in-law were awesome enough to watch the kids for a morning (after my mother-in-law had them all weekend—she’s an absolute saint) so I could sneak away and have coffee with this gal. It’s so great to recharge your soul and be inspired to write, just by meeting with other writers. It was a sweet sweet time.
Trader Joe Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. These are my thing right now. A Trader Joe’s opened within a two hour drive and you can bet I got me a box of these (only, it’s been a week and my box is empty now . . . )
E-books, Audiobooks, and Harry Potter Soundtrack station on Pandora. These are what are getting me through my walk/runs on the treadmill at the gym. Call it cheating to read a book while walking on the treadmill, but at least I’m doing it!
Gym Key Fob. I have found, I don’t like working out in out tiny-ish gym durning business hours when someone is there. I much more enjoy going when there is no one there and I can work out by myself (generally there is always someone there, however, just not as many people).
Overdrive App. This is an app through the library system (see if your library is in the system). You can check out audiobooks and e-books. They don’t have every book, however, they do have a pretty decent selection.
My desktop. I was without my desktop computer for a couple of weeks, and while I was able to work on the laptop, it was just different than the “normal” of the desktop. So thankful to my brother who was able to change out the failing hard drive. Now it’s as good as new!
Cedarwood Essential Oil. I’m working on getting a daily oil routine down, and cedarwood is my go-to “sleeping” oil. It’s woodsy and calming and is one of my favorite oils.
Ohhhhhh, you too, my sweet! More than you know! <3