I have always always wanted to go to the farmer’s market, but was to shy to adventure by myself (with both kids) into this unknown land. So Saturday, I talked my mom (ok really there was no “talking in to” I just asked and she said yes) into going with me.
I. Am. In. Love. I’m just kicking myself that I’ve waited so long to actually go (now that the season is almost over. Pout).
I mainly went to get homegrown tomatoes because honestly I was tired of throwing out store bought tomatoes because they tasted like plastic. I ended up coming away with tomatoes, zucchini (chocolate zucchini bread anyone??), mini cucumbers, and honey (which after getting home, over half the bottle found its way onto very many surfaces throughout my home. One of those moments you praise Jesus that you went with all wood floors).
Another thing that I like about the farmer’s market is who you are supporting. When you by local, you’re helping the little guys. And I like that. A buddy and I were just talking about how good it feels to make (or grow) something with your own hands and bring in money from it. I like thinking that I can give someone that bubbly feeling.
So. If you haven’t found a farmer’s market in your area, you probably should. It will change your life!
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