What is a writer mama? Simply put, a writer mama is a mom who writes (on top of all her other titles/jobs). This week I have asked some friends who are writers and moms and some how make it all work — an encouragement to other writer mommas and moms who want to write but don’t feel like they have the time.
I love being a writer mama. Two of my biggest passions. Writing and being a mom. Recently I was asked how I have time to get everything done. I figured holding a week long series dedicated to this topic would be fun!
So how do I do it?
The biggest ways are time management and huge support from my husband (and deadlines. Deadlines work wonders for me).
Time Managment
At any given time this is what my planner looks like —
Seriously. I’m am a complete avid list maker. I don’t just make the lists, I have to have everything crossed off at the end of the day. It bugs me if something doesn’t get crossed off. This isn’t my only list… I also have a blogging calender list (downloaded for free from BlogEnergizer.com) It really is amazing what a blogging calender can do for your blog!!
Also, an app that I recently found, ScatterBrain (free) is great for when I’m on the go and don’t have my planner or blog calender to write something down. And you can color code your different lists. I love color coding!!
My husband is amazing. really. I couldn’t do it without him. When I’m crunched under a deadline, he’ll take the kids or shoo me out of the house with my computer so that I can get work done. Support is amazing. I couldn’t imagine doing this with out it. You could also start a support group with other writer mamas! What a great encouraging group that would be! (Not to mention great play times with friends!)
These actually work better for me when set by someone else. For example: my internet was fickle a week ago. I also had an article due THAT day. It HAD to be in. Instead of just brushing it aside because there wasn’t a deadline attached, I spent 4 hours moving around the house until my internet was happy so I could get the article in. If you don’t have client deadlines to work around, try making deadlines with a friend. Put something in a pot — such as a dollar for every deadline you miss. Then at the end of the month whoever had the least amount of deadlines missed, gets all the money in the pot.
And sometimes things just don’t go as planned. For example … it’s taken me four hours to write this post. We’ve had two feedings, a cup of spilled coffee, five diaper changes, lunch, and a fort building in between. Nap time is also a glorious time to take advantage of. If your younger child is like mine, who thinks sometimes she’s to big to take a nap, enforce a “quite time”. A time in their room to read books or play, but they have to play quietly and stay in their rooms. Also, with a newborn, I’m learning the art of one hand typing!!
aaaa! great post.