I have been sewing for a long, long time. I remember when I was eight and my parents won sewing lessons from a local lady here in town—thus began my sewing journey. And yet, there is still so much that I have yet to learn. One of the things that I love about Nicole’s book is it isn’t just thrown together willy nilly. In today’s insta-world it seems so easy to write, publish, and sell your own ebook. At 100 + pages, Sewing School is packed full of easy to follow tutorials, photos, and links for even more projects online.
I love that Nicole also includes a chapter on blessing other’s with the fruit of your sewing—great ideas and thoughts (and I simply love giving and receiving homemade gifts!)
This summer is the perfect time to dive into Nicole’s fun ebook. Whether you’re just beginning or have been sewing for a while, there is something for you in Sewing School 101.
A bit more about Sewing School 101:
Sometimes the easiest way to learn a new skill is with the help of a more experienced friend, and this book will help its readers along in that way, rather than reading like a textbook. Step-by-step tutorials, explanatory photos and a variety of resources will guide the reader in becoming comfortable using the sewing machine.
Not only is Sewing School 101 a great primer for complete newbies, it will also serve as a convenient point of reference as the sewista progresses along in her skills.
With the basics in a concise digital format, readers will be able to spend more time sewing and less time swimming through the endless sea of internet sewing resources.
Mastering the basics of sewing is just the beginning, a jumping-off point in the world of handmade. Sewing School 101 gives readers a thorough yet personal foundation upon which they will be able to confidently stand as they follow their own creativity in their sewing endeavors.
Birthed out of the popular blog series, “31 Days of Sewing School,” this eBook version is conveniently formatted for the reader’s easy access, with new and previously unpublished material added, while keeping the friendly blog-like tone of the original series. With over 100 pages, Sewing School 101 is a collection of over 17,000 words and lots of colorful pictures. It’s in PDF format, which is to read on a variety of devices (or print out).
Find out more about Nicole on her blog.
Sewing School 101: on tour
Tuesday, June 24 :: Jess @ If Only They Would Nap
Wednesday, June 25 :: Christen @ ChristenKrumm.com
Thursday, June 26 :: Megan @ SortaCrunchy
Friday, June 27 :: Me @ The Art of Simple
Thursday, July 3 :: Stacy @ A Delightful Home
Friday, July 4 :: Breanne @ This Vintage Moment
Tuesday, July 8 :: Haley (& Daniel) @ Carrots for Michaelmas
Thursday, July 10 :: Rachel @ Mason Jar Values
Friday, July 11 :: Marillyn @ Just Making Noise
I am very much a novice sewer. As in, I can attach buttons and kind of patch holes. Luckily my kids don’t care if their clothes don’t look 100 percent fixed. I do enjoy simple embroidery, but that’s about as close to sewing as I get. I inherited my grandma’s sewing machine, but I’m so intimidated by learning that I haven’t managed to try anything with it yet. I think this ebook would help!
I love the cover I sewed for my Moleskine and I love making things for my girls. Costumes, blankets, etc…
My favorite thing to sew is patches on my son’s scout uniforms – because I’m so proud of him!
I haven’t had time to sew much with my two littles, but I like re-purposing clothes!
I love to modify existing clothing – taking thrift store shorts and turning them into a skirt, or resizing t-shirts, for example.
Thanks so much for the review!! Happy sewing, my friend!