We’re heading into the last four months of the year. I don’t know about you, but September – December seems to fly by. So, in order to be more intentional, I’m bringing back monthly goal setting and sharing it here in hopes of keeping myself accountable!
get IH@C off to beta readers – I’m just about finished with the edits from the editor. This month I need to get it off to my beta readers and the formatter!
press send on a secret project – squee. That’s all I’m going to say about this one.
less consuming/more creating
walk 25 miles – e and I have been walking in the mornings before it gets too hot, and in an effort to not disconnect by endless scrolling, we have been walking in the evenings as well. We only go about a mile and a half per walk, but those walks add up!
20K words written on the Grinch project – we’re moving right along on this one. While I’m not going as fast as I’d like, I’m just trying to stay consistent and give myself lots of grace.
I was chatting with a friend this week about how creativity and inspiration just seem to flow once September hits. Looking forward to getting stuff done this month!
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