I had kinda a random assortment of books this month. Generally, lately, I’ve been sticking to young adult fiction, but this month I only got one YA book in.
Rooms | Lauren Oliver: This one isn’t my favorite Lauren Oliver book. It is her first adult fiction, and as with most adult fiction, it’s a little more on the gritty side. The idea behind this book was really interesting. The story was told by ghosts who occupied a house. It almost had a “play” feel to each as each room had its own section of stories which kinda felt like separate acts. Ghost stories also aren’t really my thing, but Lauren Oliver is and that’s why I picked up this book in the first place.
Cress | Marissa Meyer: This one was my young adult read of the month. It is book three in Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles and just as good as the first two. I’m pretty sure Scarlett (book two) is still my favorite, but Cress is good just the same. I love how Meyer’s throws everything at her characters. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat, wanting for more.
Full Disclosure | Dee Henderson: This was Henderson’s first book released in a few years. She was my favorite in high school and college. This one came out a couple years ago, but I just got time to read it (packing books will put a fire under you to read all the books on your shelf not previously read . . .) I enjoyed this one. It did seemed like it was three times the size of her earlier books, so of course it took me longer to read, but it was a nice break.
The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner: The kids and I have been working through this one for a while. Not that it’s a huge read or all that hard, we’re just been busy so it’s taken longer than normal. E and D loved this book—just as much as I did growing up. I love being able to share stories from my childhood with my kids.
I’m currently reading through a couple my on my review list. I’m also crushing over the published/illustrated version of JK Rowling’s 2008 Harvard commencement speech. I may cave and buy it (yes, I realize I said I wasn’t going to buy anymore books). What about you?!
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