Stephen Andrew Krumm II “Drew” * August 2, 2011 * 9:24 AM * 8 lbs 1 oz * 21 1/2 inches long
I had no idea what “going into labor” felt like. With Elsie I was induced, so I was really nervous about not knowing when “it” was time. Everyone would tell me “it feels like menstrual craps” or “oh trust me. You’ll know.” I guess in a way it did feel like menstrual cramps, and even though I was in denial most of the time I was “in labor” I did know.
So. Last week. I started having some “menstrual” like cramping (and sorry to all the dudes out there that are reading this… if their are any. Honestly don’t think I’ve said menstrual so much in my life…) on Sunday night. Didn’t really think anything of it because they weren’t overly painful or in anyway consistent enough to actually time. I had a doctor’s appointment on Monday morning (August 1) and I was really hoping that my doctor would tell me — “Oh, you’re dilated to a 5 — looks like we’ll have a baby today” (a girl can dream right?) So Monday morning we go in to the doctor’s and I’m still only dilated to a 3 and effaced 70% (which I had been for about two weeks). Big bummer. Andy was bummed. Doctor was ready to schedule an induction and I was just — waiting. I had it in my head that I was going to wait until the 18th (two weeks past my due date) before I was going to schedule an induction — should have talked to the husband about that one. He wasn’t to keen on that idea.
Anyways so Monday after the appointment, we went for lunch (Blazin’ Burrito — seemed to be a weekly tradition), texted the family and let them all know that there was no change, walked around the mall for a bit, and did some errands before going home for naps. Well, Andy and Elsie took a nap — I found it very necessary to get a manicure and pedicure. For my sister’s wedding, I had these fake nails that were put on (hated them, that’s another story) and I had to have them off before I had a baby. I just couldn’t function in them and I kept poking Elsie so I could just imagine what I would do to my newborn. So I had to get them off. After getting a manicure and pedicure, I ran to Sams and Harps to pick up some groceries.
At home, Andy grilled out for dinner, Heath came over to play video games, Elsie and I did our nightly routine. At some point I started have those “crampy” feelings again and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that this could be it, but I kept telling myself “Naaa”. After I put Elsie to bed, I did the dishes, made sure the house was picked up, tried to get caught up on the “Krumm 2011” mini book for July, and organized the fridge. Yup. I organized the fridge. Why? I thought it needed it. Finally, somewhere around midnight, I headed to bed — but read for an hour. All the while still having random cramping. At 1AM I figured I’d better get some sleep just in case this was the real deal.
Fast forward to 4:30 AM. I wake up having to pee. Nothing new. I’ve been doing that since — November when I got pregnant. However, instead of stumbling half asleep to the bathroom and back to bed I had energy. I was awake awake. Climbing back into bed I had a contraction. Again I figured nothing new as I normally have some discomfort whenever I have to climb back into my very large bed. Only this time I had another one. And another one. So decided to time them. Whenever the pain got intense, that was one… and then the next one when the pain got intense again. I have no idea if I was actually timing them right, but they were about 4-6 minutes apart at this point. So I breathe through them. Not really believing that this is it and making a game plan in my head. The game plan. Labor through until Andy woke up and then ask him to take me to the hospital (I figured he’d get up around 10). I laid in bed and waited for E to wake up so I could feed her breakfast. At 6:30 she started calling for momma. Of course I was having a contraction so couldn’t get out of bed. Andy got up to go get E and brought her to our bed. Andy asked if I was ok. I told him that if he wanted to get a shower in before we went to the hospital he’d probably better go ahead and get one. (Contractions are coming 2-4 minutes at this point). While he took a shower and got E bathed and dressed, I finished grabbing last minute things and let the dog out to run/go to the bathroom.
About 7:40ish we finally get into the car. Andy asked if I needed him to speed (we live about 7-10 minutes from the hospital). I told him no need to speed, just get to the hospital. Apparently I wasn’t very convincing because he called in to the PD that I was in labor and he was driving fast.
We get to the hospital fast. Not quite sure what time we got there. Andy said it was around 7:45. We get up to labor and delivery and they have me sit at the front desk and answer questions about insurance. For about ten minutes. The whole while thinking — my doctor told me I wasn’t going to have to do this if I came up here in labor. Apparently the receptionist could see that the labor was getting a little more intense because she wrote the rest of the information she needed on a post-it note and sent me back.
Room 1. Where I was checked. I was dilated to 5 and 80% effaced. My doctor came in and said something about yay! You’re here. She looks at the monitor says something and disappears. And then they tell me that they are moving me (apparently someone decided that a remodel of the labor and delivery wing was a good idea…) So Room 2. My parents come in and take Elsie. Nurses come in and start poking, putting in IVs, drawing blood, making me cry (mainly because with every needle prick, another contraction would hit. There were a lot more tears this time around than with E).
Finally, my doctor comes in, looks at the monitor, then looks at me and says “I’m going to break your water. This is going to go fast.” She breaks my water and then it seemed like nurses, doctor, everyone just stood back and looked at me. Like I now was supposed to give birth… My doctor then said something about coming back later to check on me and then everyone left.
I laid there with Andy next to me and labored for what seemed like forever. Andy kept asking me if I wanted to spit out my gum (yes, I chewed gum just about the entire time…) or if I wanted ice chips and telling me to breathe the entire time (he really is the best coach ever). At this point, I just knew that any minute my doctor was going to come back in the room and tell me that I wasn’t really in labor and send me home (denial much?) And then, out of no where, I knew it was time. My body was taking over and pushing.
Andy called in the nurses who checked me and called my doctor. And then my doctor was there telling me to push. And I pushed. And it hurt. It seemed like forever, but, as the nurses told me later, I only pushed for five minutes. Five minutes and he was here. (I’m pretty sure the doctor barely made it. The nurses called her at 9:18 AM and he was born at 9:24 AM).
After he was born they put him on my chest. He was really a chill little dude. Just a little squeal to let us know he was breathing and then he just laid there and looked around. He was finally here and I was thanking Jesus that he came fast.
Life with two is amazing. Amazing and hard. I love it. D is the perfect little addition.
Awww how cool! Isn’t birth-denial the weirdest phenomenon?
Love that Andy was a great coach. Hearing about good birthy daddies makes me smile 😀
I loved reading your story. I had birth denial too!
Wow Christen this is a great story! My mom shared this with me considering I am headed down the same path! 🙂 It seems like it all happened so fast! It’s awesome to hear someone’s version of what really happened. I can only hope that mine is just as smooth! Good luck with your new little fam!!
Hola Mamasita, what a story! I’m gonna be enduced like with Dax’s but I think this baby is coming sooner. I’m so happy for you guys and can’t wait to meet little Drew. God bless your family
SO happy to read your story!! REALLY glad you got to naturally with not pitocin! Yay!!! Love ya!