Yesterday we laid my Grandfather to rest (wasn’t he so handsome?) He was an amazing man, and he will be greatly missed. He’s been in my mind a lot this week and we’ve prepared for the funeral—and yesterday was the perfect, rainy day. In my mind funerals always happen on rainy, dreary days. This is a super short list of some of the things I’ve learned from him over my thirty years.
Things my Grandfather taught me (in no particular order):
1. Clean the kitchen while you cook. When you’re finished cooking, you have a nice meal and less of a mess.
2. When dating, kiss only the special boys (only not really because kissing spreads germs).
3. Never leave a job half-finished.
4. Family is important.
5. There’s no excuse, family always comes first. Always.
6. Live within your means. If you don’t have the money for it, you don’t need it.
7. Work hard. Always.
8. Sweaters are best.
9. Love Jesus. (side note: he and grandmother also taught me the rosary and dinner prayer. My grandmother reminded me I am, after all, half Catholic since they baptized me Catholic in the kitchen sink as an infant.)
10. Keep your car clean.
11. Chocolate with nuts is the best kind of chocolate hands down.
12. Vote your beliefs not party.
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