I bring you the latest news in the Krumm house. Of course if you follow me via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you already know this news . . . If you figured it out. I haven’t really came out and announced it. Why? Who knows. I’ve always been weird about that kind of stuff.
So, this is Scout. He/She is scheduled to arrive in January. Around the 15th. Super excited because I’ve always wanted a January baby. I also have a thing for calling babies, baby, it, he, she, etc when you aren’t sure of the gender yet (and will we find out? Most likely, but don’t expect an announcement 😉 we’re mean like that). So enter the name Scout — yes, it can be a girls name (To Kill a Mockingbird anyone?) and now that both kids and Andy (plus the plethora of family this kid is blessed with) is now calling him/her Scout it will probably stick with this kid no matter what name we finally decide on.
In other news, this pregnancy has been like no other. I was completely sick the first, oh, 14ish weeks — somedays are still pretty bad. Not “throwing up” sick, just “lay on the couch and not move” sick which is completely different than the first two. Also, food. Oh am I completely picky picky (another “new” for me). One day I may like egg rolls and the next forget about it. I haven’t really been craving anything until the past week. Now it’s all about Dr. Pepper. I had to actually force myself to eat this weekend because all I really wanted was Dr. Pepper—which is something I generally don’t drink and try to stay far far away from. And then there is coffee. Oh, coffee, my old friend. Can’t touch it with a ten foot pole. And let me just say, I miss it.
We’re excited to be adding Scout to the family. Elsie is already super excited and going to be a great big sister (again), and Drew is noticing babies everywhere and loves them. We can’t wait until January.
Excited for you!! And you are such an adorable pregnant lady! 😉
Excited for you!! And you are such an adorable pregnant lady! 😉