My mornings, I hit the ground running. It doesn’t matter if I plan to get up two hours early or ten minutes early. When momma’s up, everyone’s up. With three kids, one is begging to nurse, one is crying for cereal (“with milk, momma,” I’m always reminded), and one for strawberries with his ever present apple juice. By the time everyone is taken care of, it’s time to get a quick shower in and sit down to work. (Sound familiar, anyone?)
Working all day with breaks to make lunch, fill up sippy cups with more apple juice, change diapers, soothe boo-boos, and play ref before I know it it’s time for dinner, baths, and bedtime. I sink into bed realizing I’ve had no time to feed my soul. To spend time with my wonderful Savior—even though I know he’s been with me through every email, diaper, and frustration of the day.
With three under the age of 5, my typical day is anything but quiet. To say I was frustrated with not being able to carve out that prefect moment in my day for my “quiet time” could be a little bit of an understatement. I know the quiet mornings will come as my children grow older and come to the realization that the sleep thing is actually a wonderful thing, but while I wait for that time to come, I can’t sit ideally by. So what is a mom to do when the only quiet in her day is the 15 seconds before her kids realize she’s going to the bathroom?
Study when you can. In the midst of life. What a better example for your kids then to see you study? Be an example by doing. If this just isn’t an option—some days it isn’t— then work on getting in some quiet time before bed. My house is the quietest right after everyone falls asleep. Instead of reading whatever latest book I’m working through, now is my quiet time. I make myself some hot tea (decaf of course) or grab a bottle of water and spend my finally realativly calm time in my bible and prayer.
Listen to encouraging podcasts throughout the day. Find a favorite speaker and listen to their podcast. There are hundreds out there. Here a few of my favorites to help you get started. Francis Chan Sermons. God Centered Mom. Mars Hill Church.
Memorize scripture. I know what you’re thinking. How am I supposed to memorize something when I can’t even keep my kids’ names straight? Write the verse you’re memorizing on numerous index cards and stick them places where you spend most of your time (laundry room, over the kitchen sink, bathroom mirror, at your desk). Get some verse temporary tattoos. Just get those verses in your head so you have them to dwell on!
This post first appeared on Litfuse’s Sunday Refreshments series and part of Faith Barista’s, author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace, 21 Days of Rest blog tour.
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