Critiques in the writing world are so valuable. For me it helps me stay on track—am I effectively getting across the message I set out to give? Is my story entertaining? But what happens when you get a critique that’s hard. Soul-crushingly hard. How do you deal? (First things first—you did read with chocolate in hand, right? Always read critiques with chocolate in hand. It’ll make it that much easier to swallow.)
1. Take 24 hours. Yup, 24. Cry. Scream. Rant. Vow never to write another word as long as you live (and then cry because you made that statement). Tell you significant other, your best friend (or don’t because some over reacting might take place). Your heart was just handed to you on a silver platter (or maybe just a plain glass plate). You can take a moment to cry. It’s ok.
2. Process. After 24 hours re-read your critique process the notes. Try your best to read the critique objectively. For the most part critiques are there to make you better, not make you give up. They are there to chisel away the parts that need work.
3. Get back on that horse. Put your bum in your chair and get back to writing. Fix what needs fixing and keep going.
How do you deal with a hard critique?
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