April was kinda hard (leading in to a hangover for May). Most of what I’m currently reading, I picked up in April.
The Magician’s Nephew | C.S. Lewis: This is one E and I read together. I had listened to the Focus on the Family dramatization, but I had never read the book. We both loved it. E is really excited to move on to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Operation Zulu Redemption | Ronie Kendig: This one I read in a week on my iPad while my husband was on a training trip. I loved it. It is part of a serial novel, so it’s short, and it basically introduces you to the characters. Talk about hard core girl book—this one is awesome. You should def pick it up (and then the books that follow). You are in for a thrill ride!
Currently Reading: Siren’s Song, Unblemished (I really hate that you guys can’t read this one until October! So very good), Winter (yes, I’m still listening to Winter. My library copy keeps expiring. Hoping to finish it up this month. . .)
What are you reading?
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