It is a question universally acknowledged — why in the world do I cloth diaper?! There’s the issue of the extra laundry, the “inconvenience” of out on the town, and the poo. Oh the poo. (Can you tell that I know really want to read Pride and Prejudice… again).
Most people would think it’s an issue with money. In fact, I had a family member ask a few weeks ago if we were hurting for money so much that I had to use cloth diapers. We aren’t hurting for money. There is no reason I couldn’t go out and buy diapers every week for my kids’ tushies. I figured out the cost and for two in diapers it would run approximately $80-$100 bucks a month. $100 bucks! For something you throw away!!! I wasn’t to thrilled about that number. Personally I’d so much rather spend that money on something else.
Being a stay at home mom now and actually staying at home most of the time, I don’t really mind the extra laundry and there isn’t much “inconvenience” of our on the town when you rarely go out on the town anymore. (Oh how living with two will change your life). And the poo. Honestly, it’s poo. It’s a part of life. I’m dealing with poo with or without cloth diapers. That happens when your toddler is just potty trained enough that she knows that poo feels yucky and she’s not supposed to go in her diaper… So when she does go in her diaper, it promptly comes off. So poo dealing is a daily occurrence.
With all that being said, we still haven’t gotten back into the cloth diapering groove here at the Krumm house. Momma is still half-way recovering from only getting about four hours a sleep a night (yes, peoples this is what I live off of now… coffee is one of my best friends right now — thankfully it doesn’t/hasn’t bothered Drew yet). I did get all the diapers prep last week for when we do decide to give it a whirl. Mostly likely that’s going to happen when my “free-gifted” diapers run out. Honestly? I’m looking forward to it. Cloth diaper bums are simply adorable. What can I say. I’m addicted to fluff.
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