This is going to be the most random post in the history of random posts (but, if you know me, it isn’t that random).
(1) If you’re driving, make sure you have lots of coffee, snacks, and rocking music (if you’re flying . . . well, I’m sure the same could apply). Apparently I’m twelve when it comes to music and snack choices because I rocked out to Disney radio and ate sour patch kids the entire 4 1/2 hour drive.
(2) GPS (and your dad) will save your life. Also, check to make sure the address to your destination actually exists. Apparently the address listed online for the hotel the conference was held at didn’t actually exist so I was dumped somewhere (incorrect) in the middle of Dallas. Not fun when you’re considering pulling over on the side of the road and staying there all weekend because the amount of traffic and added road work is killing you. Also, my car charger wasn’t keeping my phone (GPS) charged and at this point I was at 2% battery. Luckily I had another phone charger in my purse—one of my dad’s random buys. I’ve never been more thankful. (Also, I did eventually make it to the hotel. . . in one piece).
(3) Meeting your crit partner of two years in person is just as amazing as it sounds.
(4) Sometimes God allows you to be a complete doofus, and let you forget your schedule with where everything happens to be and you end up stumbling into a breakout session that you were meant to hear. Allen Arnold’s session on the Wildness of Writing with God was so amazing on so many different levels and so very much needed.
(5) Meeting your co-worker of four years in person is also just as amazing as it sounds.
(6) Laughing and joking around with people you work with on almost a daily basis is super fun. Especially when you decided to take back seat selfies (Love these girls!)
(7) Sometimes sitting by yourself isn’t so bad. I did end up getting to sit with two lovelies, however, I’ve decided next year, I’ll be declaring myself Factionless and I’ll find whoever is forced to sit alone because all their zone tables are full, and sit with them. (Also, don’t be fooled, not all “we proudly serve Starbucks” are equal).
(8) Sometimes God tosses people in your path and you just know it’s going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
(9) It’s ok to sit and take a break from carrying the bag that has everything (except your schedule and map) and weighs 102 pounds—really I weighed it (ok . . . no . . . that’s a lie).
(10) Sometimes when you screw up and validate your parking ticket when you arrive instead of when you leave (yeah . . .don’t do that) and you have to go back to the hotel so you don’t have to pay your first born child in parking fees, it’s because you need to get a jewel of a photo like this (and be able to tell your crit partner good-bye one more time. . . ) *photo stolen from the lovely Mary Weber*
(11) When you are completely bored on the drive home. When hour 2 1/2 feels like hour 12. And you realize that your beloved Disney radio actually plays the same 6 songs over and over just like regular radio. It may be ok to take a car selfie. (Maybe . . . sorry, Mom, I totally did this).
So there you have it. My completely random ACFW2015 recap. I’m already looking forward to next year!
HAHAHAHAHAHA I totally lol’d ! She had had such a great time 😉 😉
Bahahahaha! So glad we got to spend time with you this week, Christen <3
I kinda wanna know how I didn’t manage to get a selfie with all the “She Had Had” girls!!!
So have to make this a priority next year!!!
xo, C
I love you and I love this post! LOL! It was so awesome to meet you at the conference and I can’t wait to see you all over online 😀
Oh yes! We need to do some Skype dates!!
I looooved hanging with you! And YES it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
LOVED meeting you! Hope we can hang out again soon 🙂
That would be so fun!!!