1. I always, always have a book with me. As a pastor’s kid growing up, we never knew if dad was going to have visitation after church. Generally that meant either waiting in a hospital waiting room, or waiting in the car (house visits). So in order to keep the boredom at bay (and keep me from “fighting” with my brother) I always had a book in tow. The habit stuck. Also, I’m afraid of getting stuck in an elevator with nothing to do.
2. I was homeschooled K-12. I don’t regret it, but I do wish I could go back and go to high school (mainly just the literature and writing classes. Those always look so fun in movies. . .)
3. I didn’t religiously start drinking coffee until I was a senior in high school. That was also the year I decided that I wanted to open a coffee shop (now just trying to get my rich brothers to open a coffee shop so I can just pretend that I own it 🙂 )
4. I knew my husband for one year and two months when we got married. He was my first real boyfriend and my first kiss. I was twenty-one.
5. I have been writing stories since I was six-years-old, and I’m still trying to figure it out.
6. If I’m stressed out, or angry, I clean. If my house is already clean, I’ll organize something or re-clean something or rearrange.
7. I would rather text than talk on the phone. I’m pretty sure 1/2 my hearing is gone since having kids, so I ‘m constantly asking “uh” during a conversation. Also, this is the prime time that my kids give themselves face tattoos with a permanent marker.
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