Ok. Of course I’ve been avoiding this like the plague, but I’m diving in.
Many of you have probably seen E lifted up in prayer on facebook or friends questioning what’s going on.
The short – we don’t know. The long(ish)? We’re testing to rule out diabetes.
For whatever reason E’s blood sugar spiked on Tuesday so we spent the good part of the night in the ER (note: My baby girl is a strong one with a very very good pair of lungs. It took 5 people Andy’s size to hold her down to get blood). After which they deemed everything normal. We did a follow up with E’s doctor on Wednesday and he wanted to do more extensive tests to rule out diabetes all together (gotta love a through doctor). So this morning (was it just this morning? My week has been in a fog) we went for more blood work — I swear the guy that took her blood this morning was a ninja, got in, got out, and E was much calmer… if this continues I’m highly considering toting that guy around and letting him draw her blood whenever anyone needs it. So now we’re in the waiting game. Waiting for the second round of test results to come back (first game back normal).
Are we worried? No. At this point we just want to figure out what’s going on. God’s got this — he will not give us anything we can’t handle. There has been a lot of questions of why? Why did this happen? What’s the point. For whatever reason John 9:2-3 comes to mind — and it’s what I’ve been dwelling on the past couple of days in my fogginess …
And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.
We now just pray that God’s will be done (and for healing) and we have strength for the waiting. Because waiting can be the hardest part.
Double hugs … and yes, He does.
Loving the hugs 🙂
We don’t know one another (I’m swinging by via Litfuse and I think your blog is awesome), but I wanted to say hello and agree with you in faith for healing of little E.
Blessings to you and yours!
-Anna K.
Ahh thanks, Anna!
Glad that you updated everyone and you are right about God having this situation. I felt your spirit is at ease and that is what “E” needs to see from you. Hope to see you tomorrow. Hugs, hugs and more hugs!!
Please hug and kiss her for me. It’s not easy at any age I was 7, she is just so little. They have made so many advancement since the late 60’s. It’s not that bad now days. Let me know if I can help with anything or with D.
Thanks, Miss Cherie! We miss you!!