Title: Scarlet
Author: Marissa Meyer
Genre: YA Fiction
Thoughts: I am in love with this series (do I say that too much?) Scarlet is book two in Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series, and I basically have blown through books one and two in the past month. At first I was a little leery. Cinderella as a Cyborg? And on top of that, I’m not much of a fantasy reader (I am probably at the point now though were I should really stop saying that). While Cinder was a Cinderella-ish story, Scarlet (as you can probably guess from the name) is a spin off of Little Red Riding Hood all while keeping the main story thread from Cinder going. Dare I say this series has gotten better as its gone along (and it started out pretty dang good so that’s saying something). I’m eagerly awaiting in line for the library’s copy of Cress (or I may just buy it because I get tired of waiting). I love Meyer’s men — you have your prince, pirate-y character, your bad boy. And she does well writing them completely different. You’ll fall in love with every one of them. I promise. Let’s not leave out the heroines. They are just as awesome. And Cress is going to throw in another rock awesome female character. Can’t wait!
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