(photo via the sister) – You smile all the time. I love your smile – You nurse like a champ! Every two hours, which sometimes wears this momma out (especially during the night), but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. – You gained a whole pound and a handful of ounces at your two week check up. – You don’t… Read More
The Not so Happy Happy Birthday Post
So, this was going to be the post about the amazing date night that I had with my husband for my birthday. Included was going to be lovely pictures of the food we ate and my two amazingly handsome dates (Andy and Drew… since he couldn’t stay with Ya-ya). However, that’s not how the night went. First off, Andy and… Read More
Baby Number 2: What in the World To Register for!
Gone are the days of only a baby shower for your first baby. My church was kind enough to throw me a shower for my second and earlier this year they threw a shower of a mom due with her fourth! This brings up the question — what does one register for for the second (or third or fourth) kid… Read More
Drew’s Birth Story
Stephen Andrew Krumm II “Drew” * August 2, 2011 * 9:24 AM * 8 lbs 1 oz * 21 1/2 inches long I had no idea what “going into labor” felt like. With Elsie I was induced, so I was really nervous about not knowing when “it” was time. Everyone would tell me “it feels like menstrual craps” or… Read More