I didn’t get a whole lot read this month — been busy being a wife and mom, working, and trying my darndest to get my book written, but I had some pretty awesome reads!
Blemished by Sara Ella: I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times more. This book is seriously going to go places. It’s Once Upon a Time meets The Selection meets it’s own breed of fairy tale. It has action, romance, betrayals. Oh I can’t wait until it hits shelves and you can read it too!
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings: Oh heavens I loved this book. I devoured this book in a weekend. It’s extremely fast paced, has a smidgen of romance, and some pretty stellar characters. The cliff-hanger ending is epic. I love those cliff-hangers! I’m super excited for book two coming out in the spring.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowlings: I’m slowing making my way through the Harry Potter series. This was one that I’ve seen the movie x number of times and I read the book before a long time ago, so nothing new and surprising happened. I’m just loving Rowlings way with words.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner: This one was an ok one for me. I honestly can’t say there was much I didn’t like about it—it was a fast pace story, lots of action and adventure, but something just didn’t do it for me. It did have a little “Silver Linings Playbook” effect for me. As I was reading I was trying to figure out what the hype was about and boom it hit the last handful of chapters and I loved it.
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And wow. Thank you for putting something positive in my inbox. Oh and I totally agree with you on The Maze Runner. Liked seriously, what’s the big deal?
I love the simplicity of your blog design!!! This may sound strange, but your font made me want to just keep reading. Seriously! 🙂
I’m looking up “The Murder Complex”! It sounds really interesting…And I’ve been wanting to read “The Maze Runner” too!
Ahh, thanks! I hope you’ll grab a copy of The Murder Complex it was so so good.