My wonderful #WriteNight buddy Sara Ella tagged me in her bookshelf tag! So . . . here we go!
1) Is there a book that you really want to read but haven’t because you know that it’ll make you cry?
Not really. I actually look for books that are going to make me cry. Mainly because I don’t cry . . . (I cry over silly stuff like being stressed out, not about sad things in books) so if I cry reading a book you know it’s good. Got any suggestions? (and no, I didn’t cry reading The Fault in Our Stars or while watching If I Stay . . .)
2) Pick one book that helped introduce you to a new genre.
The Hunger Games. I had read dyso before, but it wasn’t until after I read Hunger Games that I really started loving that genre.
3) Find a book that you want to reread.
Always To Kill a Mockingbird and up on the list lately is the Lauren Oliver books (I write better after I read her for some reason *shrugs*)
4) Is there a book series you read but wish that you hadn’t?
The Hunger Games — but only so I can read it for the first time all over again.
5) If your house was burning down and all of your family and pets were safe, which book would you go back inside to save?
This is a really hard one, but it’d probably be my stack of library books. Why? They aren’t mine and I’d hate to have to explain that I wasn’t bringing them back because my house burned them.
6) Is there one book on your bookshelf that brings back fond memories?
The Babysitters club, The Boxcar Children, The Borrowers — all these take me back to my childhood.
7) Find a book that has inspired you the most.
I remember reading one when I was little about a doll house and it was so fun that I decided I wanted to write a book. I love the way Lauren Oliver and Lindsay Cummings have with words, so I get super inspired whenever I read their stuff. There have been slew of others that I thought “I could so write this better” that have spurred me on in writing as well.
8) Do you have any autographed books?
I have a few by the lovely Tricia Goyer and my set of Shannon Dittemore’s Angel Eyes trilogy is signed
9) Find the book that you have owned the longest.
The first book I actually remember owning is The Velveteen Rabbit. My dad brought it home for me after a business trip and would read a page to me a night.
10) Is there a book by an author that you never imagined you would read or enjoy?
Anything by John Green. It’s gritty fiction and written from a male POV, but by golly I’m sucked into anything and everything he writes.
PS If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged! Post on your blog, YouTube, Facebook, whatever —but link back! I wanna see!
I love how you chose library books. You good person. ;P
I love how you chose library books. You good person. ;P