Quick Lit is a link up hosted by Anne from Modern Mrs. Darcy. A place where we can all share what we’ve been reading lately.
What have YOU been reading lately?
I haven’t read a crazy amount since last link up, mainly because . . . holidays. And when it wasn’t the holidays it was holiday hangover.
The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron: Every once in a blue moon I’ll read something other than YA Fiction. I. Loved. This. Story. It was so, so great. I loved the jumping back and forth between present day and past, and Kristy’s characters were just. Ahh. I read this one while on “vacation” at my mother-in-laws and when I was finished Andy’s grandpa stole to read! I’m looking forward to her next release coming out later this year.
Legend by Marie Lu: This one has been on my TBR pile for far, far to long. It was about time to get it off the pile! I really enjoyed it from a writer’s stand point. Her world building, characters, etc are fab. I love the premise behind it— Les Mis meets modern dyso. And the font changing colors? Seriously rad.
I loved The Butterfly and the Violin as well. Happy reading.