There are so many different choices when it comes to cloth diapers and brands. For my family, we’ve chosen the bum genius brand (one size, all in ones). It just made more sense to buy one diaper that will last from newborn to potty trained and for us the fit is great.
However, bum genius, at $18 a diaper, could be a bit pricey.
Pre-folds, on the other hand, are about $12 for around 12 diapers — do the math. That’s $1 a diaper. Plus since you can reuse the covers from diaper change to diaper change, you can get by with fewer covers.
Oh I want to like pre-folds. I happen to have quite the handful of pre-folds, but I can’t get them to work for me.
The AIO (all in ones) work like a regular disposable diaper – you put it on, they pee, you change it. With the pre-folds, it seems I have to change them every 2 minutes. Other cloth diaper-ers out there. What am I doing wrong? I have a few covers and a woolie, but whenever I use pre-folds it seems the prefold is completely pee drenched leaving my baby smelling less then yummy (and I’m only leaving the diaper on for 30 minutes to an hour). I also know that with woolies you can re-use multiple times between uses because it’s wool and won’t soak anything up — however, my woolie after one use is smelling yucky.
So, for those of you who use/have used pre-folds… what was your secret?
Brannan says
What kind of prefold are you using? Have you tried doubling it with a gerber? Are you snappi’ing them on to keep them close to baby? Do they need to be stripped? So many variables! 😉