Note: This post contains affiliate links. Meaning if you click and purchase, I’ll receive a small commission and you’ll be helping support my book habit. Up until college, I was only able to read one book at a time. But then multiple literature classes all in the same semester forced me out of my comfortable one-book-at-a-time bubble, and now I’ll rarely… Read More
What I Read in May
Note: This post contains affiliates — basically meaning if you click on a link below and purchase, I receive a small commission (which help in turn to support my book habit …) I feel like I go through reading slumps every other month and then read all the books like a mad person. I hardly read anything in March/April (given I was… Read More
November Loves: Reading Nook Edition
chair | lamp | throw | side table | candle I’m ignoring that it’s almost midnight (and I’m going to have to be up in five hours . . . ok six after I hit the snooze button half a dozen times). Instead I’m picking out some of my favorite items from at—creating the perfect book nook. If you’ve known me… Read More
December Book Report
December is always a month for trying to finish reading books that I’m midway through. This year, however, with the exception of one, are all new reads and all from the library. I’m really loving putting my library card to good use! December Book Report Heartless | Marissa Meyer: I loved Marissa’s Lunar Chronicles and I loved Heartless. It was… Read More
What I’m reading
title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone author: J.K. Rowling genre: Middle Grade Fiction thoughts: It seemed only fitting to drink tea while I read a book from England. There really is something magical about the way Rowling puts her words together. I think I’m more inthralled with her publication story than I am actually the Harry Potter stories. I… Read More