I celebrated another year this past weekend. Year thirty-two was pretty awesome. It was the year of the big earrings (these being my favorite go-to’s). I learned how to drive a stick shift — I wouldn’t say I’m an expert yet, but I can make it from point A to point B without killing it. I figured out awesome work/life… Read More
Happy Birthday to the Intern
Happy birthday to my little intern. He’s super excited to be four. Four is the age that he finally gets to go to school (we’re just going to keep it on the down low that he can’t actually go to school until the fall). He will forever be my dinosaur loving, big story telling little man.
The Not so Happy Happy Birthday Post
So, this was going to be the post about the amazing date night that I had with my husband for my birthday. Included was going to be lovely pictures of the food we ate and my two amazingly handsome dates (Andy and Drew… since he couldn’t stay with Ya-ya). However, that’s not how the night went. First off, Andy and… Read More