Pep Talk for Creatives: Luca
I’ll admit I haven’t actually watched the entire Luca movie. The rest of my family did, but if we sit down at home to watch a movie, I either fall asleep or have to be doing something else — like laundry, but I digress… I did catch this scene of the movie and love how it can be applied to creative endeavors.
This month, especially, as it’s NaNoWriMo, and today marks the halfway point. I feel like the Brunos are out with a vengeance. Has impostor syndrome and the I-can’t-do-this-what-was-I-thinking-s set in yet? I’m pretty sure since I’ve gotten a contract with Sunrise Publishing, my impostor syndrome has been hitting me full force.
Conversations in my head, go pretty much like the conversation between Alberto and Luca, only something a little more like this:
Brain: “In order to write the books, you need to sit down and write the thing. Got it?”
Me: “Who has to write it?”
Brain: “You do. Come on. Let’s go. Your deadline is approaching.”
*hiding under my desk with my Ugg slippers*
Brain: “What are you doing? Let’s go!”
Me: “Nope. No can do. I can’t do this. Never in a million years. What was I think that I could do this?”
At which point my brain tells me I have a Judy in my head (Judy is the name of my Bruno … I’m not sure why it just is) and that I need to not listen to stupid Judy. Tell her to be silent! Loudly tell her to be quiet so you can do the thing.
Sometimes you can silence Bruno by saying it over and over in your head. Other times this means actually saying the thing out loud and getting weird looks from your family (but by now, my family is used to my weirdness and generally just ignores it). Say it until you can’t hear your Judy or Bruno or whatever yours is called. Then get the thing done that you before didn’t think could be done.
You can do it. I know you can.
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