ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference was a blast this year—even if I wasn’t able to go officially. Since it was in Dallas this year, a mere four hours from where I live, writer buddy Laurie Tomlinson and I decided to drive down for the weekend and visit everyone!

Sour gummies—the best road trip food!
Friday was mostly spent driving. After a rough night of sleep (sleeping with a three year old ninja will do that to you) I ended up on the road a lot earlier that I planned (which ended up being perfectly fine). I arrived at our hotel (not the same as the conference) around 1 PM. Laurie shuttled over from the airport, we got an early check-in (yay), and shuttled over to the Gaylord (yay for free shuttles!)

Found the sign of my people!
First off can I just say the Gaylord is amazing (other than steep food and coffee prices). I got a quick hug from my gal Sara Ella, grabbed some coffee before Laurie and I mingled—seriously met so many amazing writers! Some I’ve known from online, others I met for the first time. Got to sit down and chat with my former co-worker Audra (hi, Audra!)—it was really nice getting to catch up!
For dinner I met back up with Sara. Lots of fun chatting and catching up. Laurie and I headed back to our hotel around ten or eleven.
We were back at the Gaylord for coffee and writing at 9—missing the hotel shuttle we took an Uber. . . my first ever!
Laurie and I wrote for a bit before she met with her mentor and I skipped over to write with Sara. Of course my computer died, and there were no easy outlets in the cafe, so I just wrote freehand for a bit.
That afternoon, Laurie and I decided to swing by the Barnes and Noble (guys it was a two story one!!!) and McAlester’s for lunch.

Bad lighting elevator selfie
After chowing down and watching a movie in our hotel room, Laurie and I headed back to the Gaylord—this time dressed up since everyone was coming from the Gala. We hugged friends, got lots of photos, and sat around making new friends until midnight—why is it that we always wait until the last night to have the most fun?

Me, Steffai (the amazingness behind Live the Cozy Life), Nadine Brandes, Sara Ella, Natalie Walters, Gillian Bronte Adams, Emilie Hendrix
Before having to head out of town, Laurie and I drove into downtown Grapevine and had brunch at Main Street Bistro and Bakery. Totally cute and definitely highly recommended if you’re ever in the area!
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